Aristotle has been described because the final person to recognise the whole thing there was to be recognized. To belittle this fulfillment via supposing that during his day there wasn't sincerely that a lot to recognize is to underestimate the breadth of aristotle's knowledge. His writings embraced physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, song, common sense, rhetoric, politics, authorities, ethics, biology and zoology.

In recent times, the very idea of understanding everything seems past our comprehension. One want best factor to wikipedia to demonstrate how such encyclopedic know-how a ways exceeds the capability of any person character. We might also understand lots approximately our selected subject, however we must haven't any illusions: our lack of know-how massively exceeds our knowledge.

However is not there a few way to get a sense of the "large photo"? In the end, absolutely everyone now incorporates a intellectual photograph of the earth as seen from outer space, a angle unavailable to-even not possible for-people 100 years in the past. Definitely there must be a few way to reap a comparable photo of western way of life.

Thankfully, we've got a tool no longer to be had to aristotle. Data tells us that a cautiously selected sample permits us to make valid generalizations about a population. Even supposing we can not recognize all of the person bushes, we will get a pretty honest concept of the woodland by examining precise specimens.

So how can we pick out the specimens for a large-scale attitude of western way of life? The matrix-the grid pattern familiar from spreadsheets-gives a effective device. Consider a grid with time on one axis and 6 categories of culture-artwork, literature, song, philosophy & theology, technological know-how & mathematics, history & social sciences-on the alternative.

The century gives a handy, if arbitrary, unit of measurement for time. However while we begin looking to fill in the grid, it fast becomes apparent that the century turns into impractical before around a thousand a.D. For the sake of comfort, we would need to recall historic greece as a single unit, historical rome as any other unit, and the middle a long time (say, the fifth thru 10th centuries) as a 3rd unit, earlier than proceeding with one-hundred-yr periods.

Having mounted an empty grid, the next step is to fill as a number of the bins as we will with separate artists, composers, and authors, corresponding to the individual bushes in our wooded area of western tradition. Those alternatives can become incredibly personal, but we need now not claim that our preference is the first-rate possible candidate for that box, most effective that it's a defensible nominee.

I offer my own grid now not to insist on my choices however honestly to demonstrate the method. (unfortunately, this website can not reproduce a matrix, however by using viewing the contents of each row you can get an concept of what it'd appear to be.)

Ancient greece: parthenon; homer; sophocles; plato; aristotle; pythagoras; euclid; herodotus

Historic rome: colosseum; virgil; paul of tarsus; ptolemy; caesar

5th-tenth centuries: book of kells; beowulf; plainsong; st. Augustine; gregory of tours

Eleventh century: bayeux tapestry; music of roland; upward thrust of polyphony; st. Anselm

12th century: st. Sernin de toulouse; chrétien de troyes; leonin; peter abelard

13th century: notre-dame de paris; gottfried von strassburg; perotin; thomas aquinas; fibonacci

14th century: giotto; chaucer; machaut; william of ockham

Fifteenth century: robert campin; villon; ockeghem; leonardo da vinci

Sixteenth century: michelangelo; shakespeare; lassus; erasmus; luther; copernicus; machiavelli; castiglione

Seventeenth century: velásquez; molière; monteverdi; descartes; newton; hobbes; locke

18th century: jefferson; fielding; bach; kant; euler; smith

Nineteenth century: turner; austen; beethoven; kierkegaard; darwin; gauss; marx

20th century: picasso; joyce; bartók; sartre; einstein; heisenberg; freud

Having listed the artists, composers and authors, we must then select unique works for every one. Once more, i can illustrate with my own alternatives; different humans would genuinely produce a one-of-a-kind listing.

Historical greece: parthenon; homer, the odyssey; sophocles, oedipus rex; plato, the republic; aristotle, nichomachean ethics; pythagoras; euclid, factors; herodotus, histories

Historic rome: colosseum; virgil, the aeneid; paul of tarsus, epistle to the romans; ptolemy, almagest; caesar, commentaries on the gallic wars

Fifth-tenth centuries: book of kells; beowulf; plainsong, kyrie orbis element; st. Augustine, the city of god; gregory of tours, ten books of records

Eleventh century: bayeux tapestry; song of roland; upward thrust of polyphony, alleluia justus ut palma; st. Anselm, proslogion

12th century: st. Sernin de toulouse; chrétien de troyes, lancelot, the knight of the cart; leonin, viderunt omnes; peter abelard, sic et non

13th century: notre-dame de paris; gottfried von strassburg, tristan; perotin, sederunt principes; thomas aquinas, summa theologica; fibonacci, liber abaci

14th century: giotto, entrance of christ into jerusalem; chaucer, the canterbury testimonies; machaut, ma fin est mon graduation; william of ockham, sum of logic

15th century: robert campin, merode altarpiece; villon, ballade des dames du temps jadis; ockeghem, missa prolationum; leonardo da vinci, notebooks

Sixteenth century: michelangelo, the introduction of adam; shakespeare, hamlet; lassus, de profundis; erasmus, in reward of folly; luther, 95 theses; copernicus, on the revolutions of the heavenly spheres; machiavelli, the prince; castiglione, the book of the courtier

17th century: velásquez, las meninas; molière, le misanthrope; monteverdi, orfeo; descartes, discourse on the approach; newton, principia mathematica; hobbes, leviathan; locke, 2d treatise on government

18th century: jefferson, monticello; fielding, tom jones; bach, b minor mass; kant, basis for a metaphysics of morals; euler, the seven bridges of okönigsberg; smith, the wealth of countries

Nineteenth century: turner, the slave deliver; austen, pride and prejudice; beethoven, symphony no. 9; kierkegaard, either/or; darwin, at the beginning of species; gauss, concept of the motion of the heavenly our bodies; marx, the communist manifesto

20th century: picasso, les demoiselles d'avignon; joyce, ulysses; bartók, song for strings, percussion and celesta; sartre, being and nothingness; einstein, wellknown idea of relativity; heisenberg, uncertainty precept, quantum mechanics; freud, interpretation of goals

One could easily write a e-book about each paintings listed inside the grid and, fortunately, many humans have already accomplished that. Our process, do not forget, isn't to emerge as the arena expert on every tree in our sample but definitely to emerge as properly sufficient familiar with it that we are able to make significant comparisons with different bushes.

Having crammed the boxes in our matrix, we're now in a role to make meaningful generalizations, grounded in particular examples. Moving throughout the matrix, in a latitudinal slice, we will search for widespread concepts underlying all the works in a selected century. Moving down the matrix, in a longitudinal slice, we are able to touch upon the history of a specific subject, continually using unique works in guide of our observations. We might not be able to recognize the entirety, however via a look at of representative bushes, we will make confident assertions approximately the nature of the forest.

I have attempted this challenge inside the book the matrix of western subculture: views on history, the humanities and thoughts, as an instance of ways one might perform the process, in reality not as a declare to be the only definitive model. I'd welcome the opportunity to see how other humans would possibly fill inside the matrix as well as how they could introduce their picks of person works.

From august 14th to 18th inclusive, the kindle model of this e-book might be available free of charge at amazon.Com. Arthur wenk has written in an expansion of genres, from instructional monographs to murder mysteries. The entire listing of his to be had books may be considered at http://www.Amazon.Com/writer/arthurwenk and a chronicle of his activities may be determined at http://www.Arthurwenk.Ca. Given that his retirement in 2014, dr. Wenk resides in north fort myers, florida and lagoon town, ontario.

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